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These therapists can often work with you over the internet, not just in their office; and many are bilingual. Their specializations and languages are given in the entries below; you can also search for them.

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Stacks Image 2834
Australia - Sydney, NSW

Shayne McKenzie - CEO, Clinic Director & Training Director

WhatsApp or Telegram: +41 76 269 7566

Email: McKenzie email
Aspergers Sydrome

Chronic pain and PMS

Peak states of consciousness

Relationship issues

Business and organisations
"My purpose is to facilitate the achievement of human potential. This includes all humans having optimal health – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. My journey to arrive at Peak States was not driven by a need to heal myself but rather a passion to make the greatest contribution to humanity .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 2986
Australia - Lismore, NSW

Nemi Nath - Staff Therapist
Phone: (61) 266897455
Email: Nath email
PeakStates clinic
Nemi is the director of the Australian Institute clinic and works with basic and advanced skills. Prior to PeakStates work she has extensive experience as a breathwork therapist. Her scope of treatments includes: Family and relationship issues, sexual and other abuse .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 20037
Australia - Sydney, NSW

Sonia Walcott - Certified Trauma Therapist
Phone: +61 (0)407 315 820
Email: Sonia email
Have you ever noticed that everyone has defining moments that tend to set the pathway for their life?
Mine have been 2:
When I was around 14 or 15, I was reading my horoscope and it said an Aquarian can make Impossible, Possible. That became my moto in life and started me on my life journey with purpose. A no it cannot be done is my biggest motivator.
And the phrase “you cannot give what you have not got” started me on a journey of self-enquiry: “what do I want to give that I can’t?” is my question that I ask myself all the time.
The question is what is it that you want to give to yourself and others that you feel you cannot have? Better health? Love? Better relationships? Peace and calm in your daily life? Being motivated? .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 3100
Austria - Wien

Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann - Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone: +43-1-3692363
Email: Wilfried Ehrmann email
Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann is a licensed psychotherapist, trained in counseling, breathwork, systemic therapy, energy- and bodywork. He is an International trainer in integrative breathwork. He is the author of Manual of Breath Therapy (in German). .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19960
Canada - Montreal, Québec

Cristina Tejeda - Thérapeute en Psychotraumatologie


Email: Cristina email
anglais et espagnol
Coaching amoureux (célibataires et couples)
Artiste thérapeute formée professionnellement aux arts de la scène en tant qu’actrice ainsi qu’aux Sciences informatiques, j’excelle dans l’art de révéler et sublimer la beauté dans la matière quelle qu’elle soit (les êtres, les pierres, les métaux). C’est ainsi que j’aborde mon travail de thérapeute, en détectant avant tout le diamant caché à l’intérieur de tout être (ou de toute relation) pour ensuite identifier ce qui fait obstruction à son rayonnement.

Cette aventure de thérapeute commence avec un mariage dysfonctionnel, mais fondé sur un amour profond, qui a duré 21 ans. Déterminée à sauver mon mariage, j’entreprends une démarche intensive dans le but de comprendre pourquoi cette relation, où il y avait tellement d’amour et de respect, ne fonctionnait pas. Je commence par découvrir à l’intérieur de moi ce que j’appelle « des obstacles internes à l’amour ». …  Learn More
Stacks Image 19882
Canada - Victoria, British Columbia

Matthew Learning - Certified Peak States Therapist
Email: Matthew email
Imposter syndrome
Stress & anxiety
Limited money beliefs
Procrastination in business
My favorite way to help people is through teaching the art of living in the moment, which really means helping people in developing the ability to really "trust life". And I have found with the ISPS Therapy processes that they are the most effective, rapid, and reliable techniques I've ever come across for healing a person into the state of trusting life and living in the moment ... The Institute aptly named this state Calm, Peace and Light. …  Learn More
Stacks Image 20080
Canada - Laval, Québec

Mihai Ghita
Certified Peak States Therapist
Email: Mihai email
The first time I heard about extraordinary states of consciousness was at a young age, when I discovered a yoga course in my home town. At that time, I was mostly fascinated by the incredible stories of the ancient yoga practitioners, something that I would have obviously liked to experience for myself. But soon enough, I realized that the main goal of that spiritual practice was to help rediscover our divine legacy, to reach our full potential as human beings, which will lead to higher states of consciousness …  Learn More
Stacks Image 20099
Canada - Montreal, Québec

Ghita Ibnbrahim
Certified Peak States Therapist
Email: Ghita email2
Self esteem
Peak States
Life Path
Highly sensitive
As a child, I was fascinated by the human behavior and the human mind in general. I saw people suffer and I looked for ways to help them.
Growing up I did a lot of self-development using different techniques.
I studied Reiki and became a Reiki Grandmaster. I certified as an NLP Master Practitioner and was trained in hypnosis. When I read about the Institute for the Study of Peak States and joined their training, I realized I finally met my passion and all my previous trainings led me to Peak States.
I used the Institute effective techniques to become the best version of myself in all areas of my life. I become happy, joyful and more fulfilled.
Peak States improved my life in ways I never thought possible.
If you are looking to increase your self-esteem and gain more confidence …         Learn More
Stacks Image 19901
Canada - Montreal, Québec

Julien Roux
Certified Peak States Therapist
Email: Julien_PSemail
- Any emotional/ mental blocks
- Kundalini's issues
- Negative thoughts
- Self-blame, self-criticism
- Self-sabotage
- Self-discovery
- Peak States
- Research
For as long as I can remember, I have always been committed to helping people, to helping them feel free and good in their lives.
I have tested, and learned many healing methods over the years. And all those experimentation and expertise is what I offer you in our fundamental transformation sessions.
I help people to completely free themselves from their emotional distress and suffering, by healing the root cause.

D'aussi loin que je me rappelle, j'ai toujours eu à cœur d'aider les gens, de les aider à se sentir libres et bien dans leur vie.
J'ai essayé, et appris de nombreuses méthodes de guérison au fils des années…  Learn More
Stacks Image 20293
Canada - Québec

Marc-Andre Giasson
Certified Trauma Therapist
Email: Marc-Andre email
Mental blocks
Passionate about our potential as human beings, I realized via another passion; sport, that
we unconsciously block our abilities. I, therefore, guide you to undo your blockages and
express the best version of yourself in your sporting, professional, and personal life.
Welcome athletes and evolution enthusiasts who want to live more naturally. The mind at
the service of our Instinct!

Passionné par notre potentiel d'être humain, j'ai réalisé via une autre passion; le sport, que
nous bloquons inconsciemment nos capacités. Je vous guide donc à défaire vos blocages à
exprimer la meilleure version de vous-même dans votre vie sportive, professionnelle et
personnelle. Bienvenue aux athlètes et aux passionnés …  Learn More
Stacks Image 19941
Canada - Boisbriand, Québec

Gisèle Millar
Certified Trauma Therapist
Email: Gisele email
Phone/ WhatsApp:
fatigue chronique
ameliorer vos relation
deuil peur
projet de vie
Dès mon jeune âge, je sentais qu'il y avait quelque chose qui n'allait pas. Je savais qu'il y avait mieux que cet état que je vivais, mais quoi ?

C’est quand j'ai eu une commotion cérébrale, que ma vie a complètement basculée. Je me suis alors mise à la recherche de ce “je ne sais quoi”, ce quelque chose qui ferait une différence dans ma vie, motivée par une urgence de mieux-être. Douze années de parcours et d’études m’ont mené à des accréditations en naturopathie, soins énergétiques S.A.I.M.E (Système d'Aide et Intervenante en Médecine Énergétique) et maître Reiki. Je les ai largement complétées par des pratiques pour prendre soin de ce mieux-être, comme la méditation, le yoga et différentes formations en développement personnel.
J'ai vécu toutes sortes d'expériences, mais rien de stable ni de permanent. Finalement, j’ai appris qu’il existait une autre alternative, la thérapie en psychotraumatologie de Peak State. Enfin, j’avais trouvé les techniques qui me convenaient, des techniques simples, faciles, et efficaces. Elles font toute la différence dans ma vie. Les transformations internes se sont succédé, cela fonctionne …  Learn More
Jennifer Beattie photo
Canada - Lloydminster, AB

Jennifer Beattie, M.Sc.
Registered Psychologist
Phone: 780-874-0335
Jennifer Beattie, M.Sc., is a Registered Psychologist in Alberta, Canada. She has been a Registered Psychologist since 2005 and has worked in the counseling field since 2001. Her professional degrees include a Master of Science in Marital and Family .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19280
Canada - Hornby Island, BC

Grant McFetridge, Ph.D.
Phone: 250-413-3211, 949-338-5943
Email: Grant McFetridge
Dr. Grant McFetridge directs the research and development efforts. He no longer sees therapy or clinic clients. He only works with clients as part of the research projects that he leads.

"I did my doctoral work in psychology at the California Institute for Integral Studies and at the University for Integrative Learning. My areas of expertise are in diagnosis, spiritual emergency .....           Learn More
Kyron Yau photo
China - Kwoloon, Hong Kong

Kryon Yau
Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone: +852 95565871
Email: KyronYau email
Peak states
I have been learning about healing and personal growth since I was a teenage (20 years ago). My intuition has always guide me to the right direction in learning -- while I am seeking the ultimate path and method that can really help people heal and growth. .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 20059
Canada - Montreal, Québec

Veronique Broomfield
Certified Peak States Therapist
Email: Veronique email
- projets de vie
- estime de soi
- combattre ses peurs
- stress 
- femmes enceintes: peurs, appréhensions, accompagnements, connexion avec l’enfant
- problèmes de poids
- habitudes alimentaires, contrôle excessif
- douleurs chroniques
Lorsque j’étais jeune, j’avais la conviction qu’il y avait une explication au bonheur des uns et au malheur des autres. Je me posais énormément de questions auxquelles je n’obtenais jamais de réponses. Ce n’est qu’après avoir fait la rencontre de l'institut for the study of Peak States que tout est devenu plus clair pour moi. J’ai vécu plusieurs expériences différentes: ancienne athlète ceinture noire de karaté, conseillère financière, propriétaire d’un restaurant au Costa Rica, technicienne en Neuro-Cutanée (approche neuro-tissulaire de l’ostéopathie) et maintenant, je suis thérapeute en psychotraumatologie de l’Institute for the Study of Peak States. Je parle français, anglais et espagnol …  Learn More
Stacks Image 2931
Denmark - Aalsgaarde

Rosalina Reiter
Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone: +45 22 92 20 22
Email: ReiterEmail
"With Fear as my personal teacher I have worked with spirituality, healing, psychotherapy, bodywork, bioenergetic and EFT for more than 25 years. I have been engaged in an effort to seek more life and healing for ordinary people. First when I met Peak States .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 3169
Denmark - Copenhagen

Lailah Johansson - Staff Therapist
Phone: (45) 20616688
Email: Lailah Johansson email
PeakStates clinic
.....           Learn More
Kirsten photo
Denmark - Copenhagen

Dr. Kirsten Lykkegaard - Staff Therapist
Phone: (45) 20643539
Email: Kirsten email
PeakStates clinic
My passion is to see people be happy and thrive. This can be through regaining lost health or through new growth into who they truly are. There are many reasons to why a person is not living their full potential, feeling alive and on track. I assist you in zooming in on and heal what may be in your way for achieving your optimal health. Specialization: Traumatic brain injury (TBI).…           Learn More
Stacks Image 9476
Denmark - Helsingør

Nicolai Lund Hassing
Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone: +45 60 66 50 66
Email: hassing
Mental disorders
"Educated social worker with expertise in mental disorders" .....           Learn More
Leif Pedersen image
Denmark - Vejle Nord

Leif Pedersen - Staff Therapist
Phone: +45 7556 0838, +45 5117 1838
Email: Pederson email
"I have a background in biology and sales management, and I have over two decades experience in conventional and cutting edge therapies. I live a traditional family life in rural Denmark and I am committed to spreading the Peak States paradigm to mankind .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 8921
Denmark - V. Skerninge

Mette Helstrup
Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone: +45 21 26 30 69
Email: Mette_email
"A little bit about myself: I have a masters in chemical engineering and my interest has been biotechnology at university. I teach at a technical college, but have my clinic where I do kinesiology and from now on also peak states therapy. I find epigenetics and subcellular .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 18030
France - Paris and Indonesia - Bali

Gaetan Klein
Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone/ WhatsApp: +33 6 03 28 43 58
Email: klein email
French & English

Français & Anglais
Specialized in addictions and traumas therapy
Certified in WHH, EFT, Hypnosis & NLP, and other modalities
Spécialisé en thérapie des addictions et des traumatismes. Certifié en WHH, EFT, Hypnose & PNL, et autres techniques.

I was passionate about human change about as far as teenage, when I discovered self-hypnosis around 16. I had the intuitive knowing that there was much more to life than what seemed the norm in our society. I became a professional hypnotherapist at 22. .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 20274
France -

Eleni Cattiaut
ISPS Certified Trauma Therapist
Phone/ WhatsApp:
Email: Eleni email
Depuis mon enfance, je me suis toujours posée beaucoup de questions, particulièrement concernant les
comportements humains.

Comme chaque individu, j’ai traversé des périodes difficiles, y compris dans un schéma répétitif

C’était justement là où je me suis le plus interrogée:
- Pourquoi sommes-nous autant affectés par l’extérieur ?
- Comment peut-on améliorer nos relations ?
- Pourquoi, pour certains, la vie est plus facile que pour d'autres ?
- Et enfin, pourquoi a-t-on autant de mal à nous aimer tels que nous sommes ? :.....           Learn More
Stacks Image 20137
France - Paris

Anne Latuille
Certified ISPS Trauma Therapist
Email: Anne email
Je suis Anne, j'ai souffert à 24 ans d'acné sévère, ce qui m'a amenée à écrire un livre et créer du contenu sur les réseaux sociaux sur ce thème. Grâce à cela, j'ai compris que notre peau et nos traumatismes étaient liés !
Aujourd'hui, j'ai la joie de pouvoir accompagner les femmes à se sentir mieux, particulièrement dans leur peau.
Je me spécialise dans l'accompagnement autour de l'acné, car je sais toutes les souffrances qu'il peut y avoir derrière, mais je suis aussi très heureuse d'aider toute personne souhaitant mettre du positif dans sa vie en résolvant ses problématiques !
Je parle français, anglais et espagnol.
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Stacks Image 19844
France - Creches sur Saone

Simone Merville
Certified Trauma Therapist
Phone/ WhatsApp:
Email: Simone email
Confiance en soi
Douleur chronique
Difficultés relationnelles
Est-ce que ces problématiques vous parlent ?
-Confiance en soi - Poser ses limites -Ruptures - deuils - changements de vie -Maladie et fin de vie - Douleurs chroniques -Relations parents-enfants et problématiques liées à l'apprentissage
-Nouvelle orientation professionnelle- difficultés relationnelles au travail- passage à la retraite.

La thérapie Peak States permet d'obtenir d'excellents résultats dans tous ces domaines.

Quelques mots de mon parcours de vie :
Enfant non désirée, j'ai eu des difficultés à trouver ma place et un grand besoin de reconnaissance parentale. Plus tard, j'ai réalisé mes rêves :.....           Learn More
Stacks Image 3399
Deutschland - Heilbronn
Germany - Heilbronn

Astrid Paulini
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: +49 (0)174 983 2703 oder +49 (0)7066 902059
Email: Astrid-email
Dipl. Ök., HP
Dipl. Ec., Heal practitioner
"Ich habe viele Methoden gelernt und war dauernd auf der Suche nach ‚Mehr‘ und ‚Besser‘ für mich und mein .....     
"I learned many methods and was constantly looking for 'more' and 'better' for me and my client. I think the coronation of it, I found now at Peak States …     Learn More
Gudrun Luderitz image
Germany - Greifswald

Gudrun Lüderitz
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: 04521 7969250, 0160 917 49445
Email: Gudrun Luederitz email
"Viele Jahre meines Lebens habe ich nach Verbesserung meiner Lebensumstände und meines Lebensgefühls gesucht und ich habe viel ausprobiert und gelernt, sowohl im Alltag als auch in der Heilarbeit. Die Traumaheilung, die das ISPS anbietet, .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 3475
Germany - Wustrow, Niedersachsen

Ingka Margot Enyan - Staff Therapist
Phone: (Germany) +49 (0) 5843 9862598
Mobile +49(0)162 9060 211
Email: Ingka Malten email
PeakStates clinic
"Even before I used Rebirthing, EFT, WHH and PeakStates as healing modalities, I have always tried to look into the connection between a physical sickness and the psychological background and belief system with my clients. I see time and again that a problem on .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 18051

Dr Daniel Zeiss MD
Certified Peak States Therapist
Email: Daniel_Zeiss_email
Peak States
Metaphysical Anatomy
Completion Process
"I have a unique background as a licensed medical doctor and specialist in occupational medicine. I have also worked in the global insurance industry. My experiences allow me to coach my clients with a deeper understanding on how to gently release old emotional injuries and stress and to feel empowered again. .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19489
Irlandia - Dublin
Włochy Scalea

Krystyna Luzar
Certified Peak States Therapist
Mobile: +353 877 732 424
Email: Krystyna email
Counsellor Gestalt, licencjonowany terapeuta oddechem, terapeuta pracy z ciałem.
Prowadzę terapie indywidualna dla dorosłych, terapie par, rodzin,pracuje z uzależnieniami. Prowadzę warsztaty terapeutyczne.
Jestem członkiem:
- Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Counsellingu Krakow Polska
- Assocciazione Italina Di Counselling AICO Włochy          Learn More
Lars Vestby image
Norway - Oslo

Lars Vestby - Staff Therapist
Mobile Phone: (0047) 91657428
Email: Vestby email
Lars is a member of the Institute's research staff. .....           Learn More
Malgorzata Trawinska image
Poland - Jelenia Góra

Marzena Defler - Psychologist
WhatsApp/phone: +48 791 190 403
Email: Marzena email 2
Kwestie pokoleniowe
Blokady emocjonalne
Ograniczające przekonania
Reaktywność emocjonalna
Witaj, kilka słów o mnie:
U podstaw mojej pracy stoi przekonanie, że w naturze człowieka jest pełen potencjał do trwałego odczuwania pozytywnych stanów spokoju, radości, miłości i spełnienia.
Jeśli szukasz pomocy i rozwiązania problemów zapraszam na sesje. Podczas naszej wspólnej pracy pomogę Ci obniżyć emocjonalne oraz fizyczne napięcie, obniżyć poziom negatywnych emocji oraz uzyskać pozytywne i szybkie efekty. Umów się już dziś. .....
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Stacks Image 20156
Polska - Gdynia

Ewa Kawa
Psychotraumatolog / Certyfikowany Terapeuta Traumy i Stanów Szczytowych
WhatsApp/Telefon: +48 509 838 102
Email: Ewa email
Blokady emocjonalne
Poprawa jakości życia
Ograniczające przekonania
Problemy pokoleniowe
Zapraszam Cię do głębszego poznania siebie, do terapeutycznej podróży, w której będę Twoim wspierającym przewodnikiem. Doświadczysz niezwykłej metody, która pozwoli Ci zidentyfikować i uwolnić głęboko ukryte traumy, blokujące przekonania, wzorce rodowe, które mogą wpływać na Twoją obecną sytuacje życiową i stan psychiczny. Podczas sesji możesz cofnąć się w odległą przeszłość, odzyskać dostęp do swojej wewnętrznej mocy i poprawić jakość życia.
W zależności jakie są Twoje potrzeby możesz skorzystać z sesji lub procesów Psychobiologii subkomórkowej takich jak Stan Cichego Umysłu, Stan Wewnętrznego Spokoju, Stan Światłości Mózgów, Procesu Ścieżki Życia.
Praca metodą, którą oferuje Instytut jest częścią mojego osobistego doświadczenia. Metody i techniki które są stosowane w terapii opierają się na integracji aspektów psychologii, biologii i duchowości. Odblokowują pamięć ciała co pozwala skutecznie dotrzeć do źródła problemu.
Zanim zetknęłam się z Psychobiologią subkomórkową poznałam Totalną Biologię. Z wykształcenia jestem absolwentką Akademii Sztuk Pięknych i Psychotraumatologii.
.....   Learn More
Arkadiusz Glowacki image
Poland - Lodz

Arkadiusz Glowacki
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: 603 059 545
Email: Glowacki email
Stany depresyjne
Poczucie osamotnienia i pustki
Poczucie zablokowania w życiu
Jestem certyfikowanym terapeutą traumy oraz terapeutą Szczytowych Stanów Świadomości w ISPS.

Przygotowując się do pracy terapeutycznej ukończyłem dwuletnie studium psychologii zorientowanej na proces (POP), a także studia podyplomowe jako terapeuta uzależnień.

Jeśli towarzyszą Ci problemy emocjonalne i chciałbyś / chciałabyś poprawić jakoś swego życia, zapraszam Cię na sesje .....   Learn More
Stacks Image 19375
Poland - Wrocław

Justyna Jankiewicz, Ph.D.
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: +48 693 487 535
Email: Justyna email
Eating disorders
I'm a doctor in physician science in the discipline of physics. I live and work in Wrocław.
I'm also a dietitian and my goal is to help people with an eating disorder. I am sure that the Peak States Therapy might help us understand the nature of this disorder and can cure anyone - it's a very sure success method.

        .....   Learn More
Stacks Image 19749
Poland - Wrocław

Cezary Tomasz Bryk 
Tel:  +48 510 148 571
Email: Cezary email
Po wielu latach pracy ze sobą różnymi metodami, oraz pracy z ludźmi jako terapeuta EFT, spotkanie z odkryciami Granta było dla mnie jak objawienie. Może właśnie dla tego, że jestem z wykształcenia również biotechnologiem i doskonale rozumiem przebieg procesów zachodzących na poziomie subkomórkowym. Cała moja wiedza biologiczna i terapeutyczna poskładała się jak kawałki układanki.

After many years of working with each other in different ways and working with people
as an EFT therapist, meeting Grant's discoveries was like a revelation to me. 

        .....   Learn More
Aleksandra Narkowicz image
Poland - Warszawa, Bartoszyce; Sweden - Sztokholm

Aleksandra Narkowicz
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel. 602432320
Email: Aleksandra Narkowicz email
.....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19120
Switzerland - Zurich

Joanna Zaborowska - Psychologist
Tel: +41 79 675 0033
Peak States
Life Path
Supporting women
Consciousness, the phenomenon of the human psyche, spirituality, people's motivation, the underlying causes of our living and development on one hand, and on the other it's correspondence to the biology, its mirroring in the human body, and its practical applications have been an interest of mine since childhood. This focus led me to study psychology and explore different psychotherapy schools. On this journey I discovered the Peak States approach that combines all of these dimensions - having a holistic view on the phenomenon of the consciousness and being testable, researchable, and structured. … Learn More
Agata Szyplińska image
Poland - Gdańsk
Spain - Canary Islands, Gran Canaria

Agata Szyplińska - psychologist
Peak States Clinic Staff Therapist and Certified Trainer
tel. +34 685 051 586
Email: Agata_email2
Generational issues
Mind chatter
Emotional reactivity
Agata is a staff member of the Polish Peak States clinic, with a private practice in Gran Canaria .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19447
Poland - Gdansk
Spain - Barcelona

Katarzyna Blicharska
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel. +34 644 095 813
Email: Kasia_email
Poprawa jakości życia
Lęki i obawy
Wspieranie kobiet
Poczucie własnej wartości
Reaktywność emocjonalna
Związki Kwestie dotyczące relacji

Life Improvement
Anxiety and Fears
Supporting Women
Self Esteem
Emotional Reactivity
Relationships Issues
Rozwojem duchowym zajmuje sie od ponad dwudziestu lat. Jestem certyfikowana terapeutka metody Peak States Therapy - Psychologii Subkomorkowej, Bioenergoterapeutka i Astrologiem. Szkolilam sie takze miedzy innymi w takich technikach jak Integracja Oddechem, Chirurgia Fantomowa, Balansowanie Aury, Regresing. Praktykuje medytacje od kilkunastu lat.

Pracuje metoda Peak States poniewaz uwazam ja za najszybsza, niezwykle skuteczna i dajaca najwieksze rezultaty i samodzielnosc klientom. Potrafie pomoc osobom skontaktowac sie i poradzic sobie ze swoimi lekami, poczuciem odrzucenia i samotnosci i znalezieniem oparcia w sobie

I have been practicing spiritual development for over twenty years. I am a certified therapist of the Peak States Therapy method - Subcellular Psychology, Therapeutic Touch and Astrologer. I have been also trained in techniques such as Breath Integration, Phantom Surgery, Aura Balancing, and Regresing. I'm practicing meditation since many years.

I work with Peak States method because I think it is the fastest, extremely effective and gives the greatest results and independence to the clients. I can help people contact and deal with their fears, feelings of rejection and loneliness and finding support in themselves
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Stacks Image 18996
Cracow, Poland

Danuta Czarny
Certified Peak States Therapist
Skype: danutac6
WhatsApp/ Phone: +44(0)7455 949490
Email: DanutaCzarny_email
Emotional blocks
Migration/ emigration challenges
Burn out/ stress
Self esteem/ self confidence
Limiting beliefs
Financial freedom
Centre of Awareness. Your centre. To make your unconscious become conscious.
I would like to welcome you in this therapeutic relationship that is dedicated to the unique process of self-discovery and inner exploration.
I will gently guide and support you, in order for you to recognize and heal traumatic memories and emotions, physical feelings and sensations that limit your life, by blocking the gateway to joy and self-love, and for you to find and transform all beliefs that cut your existence down to a narrow and painful perspective of only survival in life.
I will assist you in exploring the new meanings of your difficulties and challenges and of what your family or past generations experienced. I will also help you to heal your deepest wounds and clear the path to embrace your true self .....           Learn More

Stacks Image 18815
Warsaw, Poland
Saltaire Leeds, West Yorkshire, U.K.

Aneta Lesniewska
Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone: +44 07411081921
Skype: Aneta3444
Email: Aneta email
Traumatic Brain Injury
Relationship issues
Substance addiction
Mind chatter/ thoughts
The journey as a Peak States Therapist has guided for me to make a great contribution to humandkind. With the Peak States processes you can reach your full potential and can optimize any area of life. Aneta Lesniewska is Peak States therapist. She has been registered since 2014. Prior to Peak States she has experience as NLP coach, Hypnotherapist, currently she is qualified Homeopath having her own practice in Saltaire .....           Learn More
Grażyna Niedzieska image
Poland - Warsaw

Grażyna Niedzieska - psychologist
Peak States Clinic Staff Therapist
Phone: +48 607 637 877
Email: Grazyna Niedzieska email
PeakStates clinic
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Stacks Image 19587
Russia - Moscow

Galina Slavova
ISPS Certified Trauma Therapist

Email: Galina
Reducing stress
Стаж работы терапевтом более 7 лет. Я изучила много методик по психологии и психотерапии, ежегодно повышаю квалификацию. Работаю дистанционно и лично, выбирайте, какой формат подойдет именно вам. Я провожу сессии и лицензированные процессы института по достижению Пиковых состояний.
Я специализируюсь во многих сферах, поэтому если вас интересуют темы здоровья, отношений, снижение уровня стресса, возможность двигаться вперед и тд, значит вам необходимо заняться травмотерапией – в этом я готова вам помочь.

More than 7 years of experience as a therapist. I have learnt many psychology and psychotherapy techniques
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Stacks Image 18856
Russia - Moscow

Eduard Zaks (Sirota)
Certified Peak States Therapist
mob. +7 916 220 60 90
Skype: edzaks1

Email: Eduard email
Мой основной интерес и драйв в том, чтобы помогать людям, которые хотят изменить свою жизнь к лучшему.
Я помогаю
  • в сложных жизненных ситуациях, когда вы не можете сами справиться с негативными эмоциями и переживаниями;
  • улучшить ваши отношения: с партнером, с ребенком, с родителями, с коллегами ;
  • справиться с соматическими заболеваниями (психосоматики) путем сочетания методов Института с «Исцеление памяти» метод ( );
  • в разъяснении и достижении целей и задач в жизни, решении бизнес-задач и проектов......           Learn More
Stacks Image 20254
Russia - Moscow

Вера Рожина (Vera Rozhina)
ISPS Certified Trauma Therapist
Тел.: +7-918-895-99-69
Skype: efimova.vera

Email: Vera email
Я практикующий психолог, имею магистрскую степень по Клинической психологии.
Работаю в сфере психологии и травмотерапии с 2015 года. Я работаю со взрослыми людьми с любыми запросами. Чаще всего я помогаю клиентам с проблемами взаимоотношений и детскими травмами. Также я эффективно помогаю клиентам, которые застряли с темой завершения проекта или достижения цели.
Буду рада помочь!

I'm a practicing psychologist. I have a master's degree in Clinical Psychology.
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Stacks Image 19688
Russia - Rostov-on-Don

Elena Gladysheva
ISPS Certified Trauma Therapist
mob. +7 928 229 9890
Skype: Elenarnd1985

Email: Elena G email
Страхи, фобии
Негативные эмоции
Неуверенность в себе
Поиск себя
Стрессы и ПТСР
Эмоциональная боль
Знакомство с техниками Института в прямом смысле перевернуло мою жизнь. Я рада, что в моих руках есть такой инструмент и с удовольствием готова помочь вам в решении ваших проблем.
Работаю онлайн и лично.
В работе с психосоматикой использую знания по Новой Германской Медицине.
Я постоянно учусь, чтобы иметь возможность решить как можно больше проблем моих клиентов. На данный момент прохожу обучение в Магистратуре по направлению Клиническая психология.
Я верю, что каждому человеку можно помочь, важно правильно определить причину негативного эмоционального состояния и подобрать инструмент.
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Stacks Image 19667
Russia - Rostov-on-Don

Andrey Gulyaev
Certified Peak States Therapist
mob. +7 9281244073

Email: Andrey email
Проблемы взаимоотношений
Психосоматические проблемы
Я живу согласно девиза:
Каждый человек может жить той жизнью, о которой мечтает. И неважно сколько Вам лет,
какое у Вас образование, материальное положение и социальный статус. Если вы решили измениться и стать самим собой, то я с радостью вам в этом помогу. Я сам прошёл такой путь и теперь могу быть вашим проводником к себе.
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Stacks Image 19220
Russia - Новосибирск (Novosibirsk)

Oleg Polyakov
Certified Peak States Therapist
Skype: oleg-polyakov

Email: Oleg email
Моя специализация: отношения
  • Решение внутренних и внешних конфликтов. Исцеление сложных эмоциональных проблем в отношениях с собой и другими людьми. Управление своими переживаниями и состояниями
  • Работаю с процессами Института по достижению Пиковых Состояний
Психолог. Преподаватель психологии. Опыт работы с психологической травмой более 20 лет .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19646
Russia - Новосибирск (Novosibirsk)

Maksim Lobantsev
ISPS Certified Trauma Therapist
Skype: maxloba
Email: Maksim email
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Agata Szyplińska image
Poland - Gdańsk
Spain - Canary Islands, Gran Canaria

Agata Szyplińska - psychologist
Peak States Clinic Staff Therapist and Certified Trainer
tel. +34 685 051 586
Email: Agata_email2
Generational issues
Mind chatter
Emotional reactivity
Agata is a staff member of the Polish Peak States clinic, with a private practice in Gran Canaria .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19466
Spain - Barcelona
Poland - Gdansk

Katarzyna Blicharska
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel. +34 644 095 813
Email: Kasia_email
Mejora de la vida
Ansiedad y Miedos
Apoyo a las mujeres
Reactividad Emocional
Temas de relaciones

Life Improvement
Anxiety and Fears
Supporting Women
Self Esteem
Emotional Reactivity
Relationships Issues
Practico desarrollo espiritual por más de veinte años. Soy una terapeuta certificada del método de Peak States - Psicobiología Subcellular, Terapia de Energía (Toque Terapéutico) y Astróloga. También me entrené en técnicas como la Integración de la Respiración, la Cirugía Psíquica, el Equilibrio del Aura y la Regresión. Estoy practicando meditacion desde muchos años.

Trabajo principalmente con el método de Peak States porque creo que es el más rápido, extremadamente efectivo y brinda los mejores resultados e independencia a los pacientes. Puedo ayudar a las personas a contactar y manejar sus miedos, ansiedad, sentimientos de rechazo y soledad y encontrar apoyo en sí mismo

I have been practicing spiritual development for over twenty years. I am a certified therapist of the Peak States Therapy method - Subcellular Psychology, Therapeutic Touch and Astrologer. I have been also trained in techniques such as Breath Integration, Phantom Surgery, Aura Balancing, and Regresing. I'm practicing meditation since many years.

I work with Peak States method because I think it is the fastest, extremely effective and gives the greatest results and independence to the clients. I can help people contact and deal with their fears, feelings of rejection and loneliness and finding support in themselves
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Aleksandra Narkowicz image
Sweden - Sztokholm;
Poland - Warszawa, Bartoszyce

Aleksandra Narkowicz
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel. 602432320
Email: Narkowicz email
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Stacks Image 19099
Switzerland - Zurich

Joanna Zaborowska - Psychologist
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: +41 79 675 0033
Peak States
Life Path
Supporting women
Consciousness, the phenomenon of the human psyche, spirituality, people's motivation, the underlying causes of our living and development on one hand, and on the other it's correspondence to the biology, its mirroring in the human body, and its practical applications have been an interest of mine since childhood. This focus led me to study psychology and explore different psychotherapy schools. On this journey I discovered the Peak States approach that combines all of these dimensions - having a holistic view on the phenomenon of the consciousness and being testable, researchable, and structured. … Learn More
Stacks Image 19261
Switzerland - Lausanne
France - Mâcon-Lyon

Céline Guérin - PhD in Neurosciences
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: +41 76.413.93.25 (Suisse) / +33 (France)
Email: Celine email
Stress management
Highly sensitive and high potential persons
Sexual abuse
Depression, anxiety and self esteem issues
Consciousness awakening
As far as I can remember, I was always trying to understand myself and others. My dream was to know "everything" about human beings... so I started by studying physiology, cellular and molecular biology, then I specialized in Neurosciences during my PhD (2003-2008). My main questioning was about the difference between innate and acquired behaviors... the question was "do we really have free will? And how can I set myself free from my habits, trans-generational inheritance and inner programs or limiting beliefs? During my PhD, I was reaching the limit of scientific knowledge and was needing more... At this moment, I discovered regression and meditation and, at the same time, I had the incredible opportunity to work in a psychiatric institute. I had to face how traumatic human experiences could be leading to mental disorders. The hyper-sensitivity of those "psychiatric patients" was deeply touching me, because they were often so true, not wearing any masks, and were suffering from that... After that experience, I decided to realise another dream: to travel freely and without any plans just to follow my freshly discovered inner guidance. Then I started a spiritual journey that bring me through south America, India, Australia... to discover traditional healing practices: massages, energetical healing, shamanism, yoga and meditation. … Learn More
Stacks Image 19711
Leeds, U.K.

Monique Szenkowska
Phone: +44 77388 13683
Email: Monique email
'There is no light without darkness'
― Mark Frost, Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier

A survivor of multiple traumas, I know it has no scale and a million faces. No matter how small or how large, how insignificant or dark, how troubling or embarrassing, I know what terrible damage it can create. If it is causing you discomfort or suffering, I will do my best to help you bring it to an end and find the light and lightness within.

Have you got an impossible dilemma? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances? Does being alive feel dull and colourless? Have you done something you regret? Do strong emotions dictate your every move? Perhaps you just want someone to talk to? Whatever the reason for contacting me, I will consider your problem as if it was mine.

Doświadczywszy osobiście wielu ciężkich przeżyć, wiem, że trauma ma mnóstwo twarzy i niełatwo ja umieścić na skali porównań. Obojętnie jak duża czy mała, obojętnie jak błacha czy mroczna, jak niepokojąca czy żenująca, wiem, jakie może siać zniszczenie. Jeśli cokolwiek sprawia, że cierpisz, pomogę Ci się z tym zmierzyć i odnależć wewnętrzną światlość i lekkość. .....           Learn More

Stacks Image 20234
Ellesmere Port, U.K.

Natalia Millichap
Counsellor and Certified Trauma and Peak States Therapist
WhatsApp/ Phone: +44(0)7450 245872
Email: Natalia email
• Healing difficult or unwanted emotions
• Healing difficult or traumatic memories from life (PTSD)
• Building self-acceptance and self-love
• Healing relationships with family, people around us, and the world
• Emotional release from unwanted relationships
• Healing the cause of the feeling of emptiness and loneliness
Personal development has been my greatest passion for as long as I can remember. Over time, my personal development route evolved into a professional one. During the last few years, I have used many methods of working on myself, such as meditation, yoga, rebirthing, art therapy, music therapy, Bert Hellinger's family constellations, EFT methods, subcellular psychobiology from the Institute of Peak States of Consciousness in Canada, and many others. Thanks to the experience of working on myself, training, education, and practice gained over the years, I currently work as a certified subcellular psychobiology trauma therapist and family constellations therapist, according to Bert Hellinger. These approaches combine everything I feel makes us human: spirituality, psychology, and biology. Thanks to these working methods, I help clients get to the causes of their traumas and problems and heal them there.

If you want to heal .....           Learn More

Stacks Image 18977
Bury St Edmunds, U.K.

Danuta Czarny
Certified Peak States Therapist
Skype: danutac6
WhatsApp/ Phone: +44(0)7455 949490
Email: DanutaCzarny_email
Emotional blocks
Migration/ emigration challenges
Burn out/ stress
Self esteem/ self confidence
Limiting beliefs
Financial freedom
Centre of Awareness. Your centre. To make your unconscious become conscious.
I would like to welcome you in this therapeutic relationship that is dedicated to the unique process of self-discovery and inner exploration.
I will gently guide and support you, in order for you to recognize and heal traumatic memories and emotions, physical feelings and sensations that limit your life, by blocking the gateway to joy and self-love, and for you to find and transform all beliefs that cut your existence down to a narrow and painful perspective of only survival in life.
I will assist you in exploring the new meanings of your difficulties and challenges and of what your family or past generations experienced. I will also help you to heal your deepest wounds and clear the path to embrace your true self .....           Learn More

Stacks Image 19730
Saltaire Leeds, West Yorkshire, U.K.
Warsaw, Poland

Aneta Lesniewska
Certified Peak States Therapist
Phone: +44 07411081921
Skype: Aneta3444

Email: Aneta email
Traumatic Brain Injury
Relationship issues
Substance addiction
Mind chatter/ thoughts
The journey as a Peak States Therapist has guided for me to make a great contribution to humandkind. With the Peak States processes you can reach your full potential and can optimize any area of life. Aneta Lesniewska is Peak States therapist. She has been registered since 2014. Prior to Peak States she has experience as NLP coach, Hypnotherapist, currently she is qualified Homeopath having her own practice in Saltaire .....           Learn More
Stacks Image 19998
USA - Yakima, Washington

Amy Zook
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: +1 509-594-5648
Email: Amy email

  • Pain
  • Panic attack
  • Psychological conditions
  • Relational
  • Trauma
Amy Zook is on staff as the Student Coodinator. She has over 20 years experience in the health and healing profession as a Coach, Counselor and Reiki Master. She holds an MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, a BS in Human Development and Psychology, and an AS in Family Support and Social Services. Her academic and career has focussed on the mind body connection due to personal experience. She knew Peak States was the perfect fit and modality to treat the whole person to eliminate many trauma conditions and their impact on the body efficiently and effectively.   Learn More
Stacks Image 20017
USA - Yakima, Washington

Dr Mary Pellicer - Medical Director
Certified Peak States Therapist
Tel: 509-965-4502
Email: drmary-email

  • Anxiety
  • Asperger’s
  • Depression
  • Entrepreneur Personal Development
  • Inner Peace Peak State
  • Peak Performance
  • PTSD
  • TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
I am so happy you have found your way to the Institute for the Study of Peak States.

Perhaps you are here exploring the most effective ways to become a better version of yourself. Maybe you are struggling with symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD or some other health challenge and are searching for effective and natural ways to heal. Or possibly you're looking for powerful tools and techniques to use on your life journey to live your purpose and push the boundaries of what you thought was possible for yourself. Whatever brought you here, welcome. I am delighted to help in any way I can.

I'm Dr. Mary and I have a lifelong commitment to healing work
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Vish Boehmler image
USA - Alberton, Montana

Bruce (Vish) Boehmler
Tel: 406-830-0774
Email: Vish Boehmler email
My purpose is two fold. 1: To facilitate the clearing of anything that stops human growth. 2. To guide people in achieving peak states of consciousness. Years of meditation, EFT practice, Breath Work and Body Centered Therapy have brought me to these elegant and .....   Learn More

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Ethical Guidelines for Institute Certified Therapists
The ISPS has ethical guidelines for certified and/or licensed graduates of our programs. If you are a client of an ISPS certified therapist, and have a complaint or wish to report an ethical violation, please contact us immediately so we can take appropriate action. The phone number is +1-250-509-0514 in Canada, or email us.

Revision History
1.0, Sept 1, 2012: First draft of this webpage.